Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Today I had a really good talk with my three older children about gossip and how hurtful it is. It was interesting to talk about something that I have clearly sinned in and to repent to my children. I shared how easy it is to be pulled in by interesting information. I shared with Natalie as women it's even harder because we love to talk. I explained that gossip is saying anything, true or false, about someone that puts them in a bad light. It leads the hearer to assume the worst about that person. I've had conversations with people who have told me things I really wish I hadn't heard. I've wondered things about people that I never would have wondered, if someone hadn't told me a detail about their lives that really was none of my business. I've done my own share of saying things, just so that the person I'm talking to will take my side, or not be someone's friend, or just to enjoy a juicy tidbit. Gossip ruins a person's reputation. But it does something else, too. It makes the hearer not be able to trust the one who gossiped. If she said that about Mrs. Jones, then what is she saying about me.
Think about it. Do you wish to confide in someone who tells you all about other friends or family in your social circle? We've all had that happen, you say something in confidence and suddenly, everyone knows what you said. Gossip sullies two reputations, not just one. What do our husbands think when we gossip to them about others? It's interesting as the children get older how much more we need to openly share our sin and confess to them it's certainly humbling.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Gossip is one of those things that I realy struggle with. It makes me feel like I can fit in with family or old friends, when I SHOULD be different! What kind of testimony have a I left? And I am ashamed to admit it has happened a lot in church circles. That should never even be heard of!
This post has been a confirmation of what the Lord has been talking to be about.