Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mothers Day

Mothers Day used to really frustrate me, I had this idea in my head of how it should be "the perfect day" but every year I would fall disapointed. My husband has bought me flowers for 12 years and small token gifts, we have done dinners, luches, picnic's you name it. But it's not like I could go off duty with small children and a nursing infant and yet that's not even what I wanted. I love being with them, the older ones are getting to an age now where we are becoming friends all the hard training seems done and we move into a mentoring type relationship. Yet with many little ones life is very much hands on.
Chris is wonderful he has NEVER EVER said anything about me going out for coffee or shopping with friends. He jumps in when I jump out, we make an awesome team together.
So Mother's Day has always felt like one of "those holidays" Yesterday I was nursing my little Hannah watching Rachael and Natalie play "house" the way they would coo over their dolls, rocking and changing there clothes. They get all the play dishes out preparing dinner for when the daddy comes home. And they are so joyful. It rememeber being the same way!!! I used to dream of this life and now I am so blessed by the grace of God to live it out. Yet it was convicting watching them play and laugh and smile at what I sometimes grumble about.

Is there anything sweeter than holding a newborn baby,
or rocking a small child to sleep?
"Reading a story aloud with children tucked in all around me," as a friend says,
is one of her great delights in life.
Such fondnesses are the mark of biblical femininity.
Let us shamelessly embrace it.
May God give us grace that overflows our cup,
that we may model it,
passing on a love of nurturing to the next generation.

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