Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Keeping Warm

"We must prepare our sons to go out into the world, face obstacles, work hard, and provide for a household with integrity. Mothers can unwittingly undermine this preparation by mollycoddling their sons.

If mothers are protecting and pampering their sons, they will grow up to be milksops (also known as sissies), and obviously, this is not honoring to God.

Our aim for our sons is maturity.

We want them to be able to stand with their father against his enemies in the city gate (Psalm 127). We want them to be tough, not fragile. Mothers cannot fight their son's battles and they should not shelter them from consequences of their actions....."
Nancy Wilson,


Great White Dove said...

randa, you are so right. It is funny how some people think that having a child do chores around the house and yard is wrong. They are sooooo wrong in their thinking. I enjoy reading your blog. Check mine out if you ever have a minute in your busy life.

The Joys of Family and Hearth. said...

So right on here sister!!! So many young men are such wimps, b/c of the way they were raised by feminists mothers.

We are teaching a work ethic to our boys and that a little hard work doesn't hurt anyone!

And to be protectors and providers!!! that seems to be a lost art.