Sunday, January 15, 2012

Something for Nothing

This is a very sweet book, a very dear friend gave it to my children as "big brother big sister gift" after I had my last baby. . This sweet story adapted from an old Jewish folksong about a grandfather who makes his grandson a blanket, and as the years go on, and the blanket gets worn, he makes other items out of it. And as those other items get tattered and torn, the inventive grandfather makes another item out of the remaining cloth , and so on and so forth. At the bottom of the page, there is a little mouse family that you see growing along with the boy, and how they use the scraps of this blanket in their little mouse lives. So beyond the reading of the storys words, you also are looking on each page to see what’s new, the mother has a baby, then you watch how he gets older on the upcoming pages, the mouse house changes, there is more time spent looking at the illustrations then there is actually reading the words, which makes it a great book for all ages. The story is told in a repetitive and rhythmic manner with excellent timing – “There’s just enough material here to make…” requires a turn of the page to find out the answer, the kids anticipate what's coming next even though we have read the book a thousand times.This really is a must have for children.

1 comment:

Kelly said...


This is one of my all time favorite children's books!