Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Don't Believe a Lie

Motherhood is not a sacrifice!!!
A sacrifice is something you give up, saying motherhood is a sacrifice is like saying there is something better out there.
If the Lord has blessed you with children there is NOTHING else He wants you to be doing. Be committed to this season, give it all you got! Yes not all days are easy but you have something barren women would die for. Dig deep into the Word of God renew your mind, being a wife and mother is a noble honorable task!
Life isn't perfect nobody's is REJOICE anyway!


Melanie said...

I disagree...I think devoting one's time and energy primarily to their children is sacrificial; it's a daily sacrifice of self and selfishness. It's not that there are other "better" things it's just that other things are easier and can be more immediately rewarding.

miranda said...

I think when you embrace something with joy in your heart it loses it's "sacrificial feel". :)

Sara said...

very encouraging :)

The Joys of Family and Hearth. said...

love this.. I hope you don't mind, I used it as a facebook status. starting with:From a wise friend. :)