Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bible Study

                 Ladies bible study..

       Those three words used to scare me like you would not believe!
I had this idea in my head of women sitting in a circle sharing their or someones prayer request as a hidden way to gossip. I thought women attending these things weren't really digging into their bible but just needed a night out.

Brutal hey?  I hate even saying it out loud but it is the ugly cynical truth.

Guess what though as soon as we come to these absolutes of right and wrong outside of scripture God changes things.  If this is true your not going to be surprised that every Tuesday night my butt is planted in a chair upstairs in our church sitting around a table with other ladies.
That's right I LOVE ladies bible study.

I look forward to it every week, I crave the fellowship of these women, we all have our quirks and muddle threw trying to figure out how to walk this walk. Our imperfections lay naked in front of each other but mercy resides

It's beautiful...   It's real...   It's good stuff...

1 comment:

Dana said...

I also LOVE bible study with my butt sitting next to yours! Sharing our struggles....laughing about life and digging into Gods truths together!! <3