Monday, March 4, 2013

Endangered: Your Child in a Hostile World, an ebook by Johann Christoph Arnold

I read this great little {free} E book over the weekend,  It had a lot of great information on raising children

Mother Teresa once observed, after a visit to North America, that she has never seen such an abundance of things. But, she went on, she had also never seen “such a poverty of the spirit, of loneliness, and of being unwanted…That is the worst disease in the world today, not tuberculosis or leprosy…It is the poverty born of a lack of love.”
There was a section on the effects of divorce in children, we all know how damaging it is but I really appreciated his frank approach on the topic.

"Clearly, it is one thing to have children. To create a home – a place of love and security – is quite a different matter. Unfortunately, many adults lack a sense
of what this means. They are always “too busy” to have time for their children.

Sadly, parents are sometimes so blinded by their principles
that they are unable to follow their hearts. Ready to “do the right thing” at any cost, they are masters of their domain – but all too often they lose their children in the process."

 The book was the hard but encouraging truth to roll up your sleeves and make everyday count with those babies God has given you.  Yes, days are long and sometimes the nights are even longer but our investment in the next generation will pay off.  There is no easy way to get this parenting thing done right. It takes sacrifice and a lot of time.

There is always a tomorrow, but how can we be sure it will be ours? There are always new chances, but how many will we let become missed opportunities and regrets? For the sake of a child, are we ready to drop everything – not begrudgingly, but with joy?

Here is the link:

Endangered: Your Child in a Hostile World, an ebook by Johann Christoph Arnold

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