Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spread Love

You reap what you sow. We have all heard these words a thousand times, we all know what it means but do we really know how serious it is?

My very good long distance friend encouraged me this year to buy a new bible, I am a girl that loves to write and highlight in all her books. My bible is all marked up in a rainbow of colors with notes in the margins and my eyes are always drawn to things that are underlined. So starting in the New Year with fresh clean pages I get so see a running theme of what God is speaking to me about through his written word.
The bible I am using is the Life Recovery Bible so I am becoming familiar with the 12 step program.

Step 5: We admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

One thing we as mothers cannot do is believe we can bury our sin and go on without admitting them. As time rolls along we realize those things we buried or ignored in our children were really seeds that grow and bear “fruit”.  When left too long we have this crop on our hands that we just want to disappear. We had hoped that our self-deception would make it go away.   Rather than sweeping sin under the rug of pride we might as well come clean and be forgiven, God see’s it all anyway.

                   We will always harvest what we plant in our children
I must be diligent in my sowing, in instilling every bit of truth and wisdom and goodness into these precious children. I may not be able to protect them from the harsh blows of life and I understand my sin may even hurt them. But I do know what I can do when in doubt I can extend love and grace. I can speak words of affirmation over them and pray with them. I can believe in them and teach them to always hope and have faith in a living God who says we are his own child that he chose!  I will teach them that love covers, to keep their conscience clear and bless those who speak against them. That they are made pure in Christ when they confess their wrongs and repent. To love each other deeply will all their hearts. All goodness in their lives is a gift from HIM. He delights in them.

Galatians 6:7
You will always harvest what you plant.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Very good reminder, thank you!! :)