Sunday, June 2, 2013

Recieving Children

    I once heard it said that while addressing someone's spiritual health look for how they receive children. Put a child in the room or announce a pregnancy. This is exactly what Jesus did to make a point.
Receiving a child into your arms in the name of Jesus is a way to receive Him. And to receive Him is to receive God. Therefore how we receive a child is a signal of our fellowship with God.
   Little Hannah was sick earlier this week but we thought she recovered and then Sunday she was wiped out again. Poor little peanut just fell asleep by the sliding glass door watching the rain. We systematically have been making the rounds of some odd flu bug the last few weeks.  Mercifully, the Lord has kept this pregnant mama from catching it.
I alone.
  Isn't that just like a loving Father?
  I am so awed that He would care of such a little thing. . The children will all be well for 3-4-5 days and then one of them is hit again.  I am so thankful that I have been well to care for them. I must say though my husband does the yucky park of cleaning up puke changing bedding at 4am etc. I really am spoilt! And I get the blessed part of just loving them up. I read this in a book of mine and I thought it fit these last few weeks so well.
"Sometimes, we get swallowed up in the day to day activities and events of life 
and therefore lose sight of the beauty that God intended for us to enjoy within family life. 
Piles of laundry, a sick baby, a hectic schedule 
can blind us to the joy of the Lord and the beauty around us, 
then we find ourselves empty of joy
and questioning, 
or irritable." 
                                    Is there really anything for precious than a sleeping baby?

1 comment:

Miranda said...

Loved the quote! So true. Sorry to hear about the sickness and glad that you are able to see beyond....