Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Long Days of Summer..

There is something so leisurely, so relaxed... making the long days welcome.

                                                    We are relishing in it.  Glorying in it.

Some days really productive, others quite lazy.

The busy season of harvest and schooling will soon be upon us,

 so for now, 

every moment of these summer days

 is to be enjoyed to the fullest.
 These long relaxing days by the pool gives me lots of time to read and pray. I have been thinking about our next "school year" coming up and my vision for what way I want to go, I am thinking more about guarding that door of sin, seeking wisdom so we can prevent the creeping mold of sin from growing. Seeking to not go through the doors of folly; and not desiring to be guests in the homes of those where sin is blazing at the front door. Keeping a home centered heart, building hearts and relationship with in our walls. Keeping our attitude one that will lay down ones life for each other.
Chris has been taking the children out on the lake in the evenings.
Sometimes slowing down, saying no to good things, but distracting things, 
and focusing in on our loving Heavenly Father, 
our home,
and our family 
is what is needed to restore and recharge a weary or overwhelmed soul. 
if you slow down and listen, 
you can hear Father calling you to simplify, 
purify your priorities, 
and turn your heart towards home.



Carla said...

Hey Miranda. You have such a mothers heart. I remember on the farm just enjoying summer so much. We had a pool and a huge garden. It was a great place for kids. Enjoy your time of relaxing

miranda said...

Chris and often say how we are living the best days of our lives right now!