Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy 10th Bithday Natalie.

                  Today my beautiful first born daughter turned ten. TEN! How did a whole decade fly by that fast?
I was thinking about her first 12 hours of life and she cried the whole time. I was sharing a room at the hospital with another new mom and she was quiet upset my baby wouldn't quiet down. I on the other hand was on cloud nine. I JUST HAD A BABY GIRL! She was my smallest peanut weighing in at 6-6.   I was just so in love with her. At 4 months old we found out she was 100% deaf in both ears and the next few months were spent in sign language classes, mother goose classes all in sign for my boy to catch on and numerous trips to BC Children's Hospital.  Chris and I along with our church family got on our faces before a very powerful God and cried out for her healing.  A long story short at 8 months old Natalie was heading into surgery for implants  her hearing was tested and to every one's surprise she had her hearing. We were stunned!  I will never forget that day.

Natalie is one of the most selfless people I know, her spirit is soft and mold able. She is one of those kids that is just so easy to get along with.  She is graceful and a beautiful pillar in our home. She stands outs esteems purity and modesty. She has a vision to advance the kingdom of God. She fully without hesitation trusts her mom and dad fully giving her heart. We really look forward to these double digit years with her.

         This was a game where I filled plates with whipping cream with buried candies and then had to eat the cream to find the candy. First one done wins!

                             Boys against girls water fight, 200 balloons and about 3 mins of fun!

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