Thursday, October 16, 2014


I keep learning the same lesson - one that deepens each time. And that is that birthday celebrations are always the most special, the most joyful, the most heartfelt and loving, with fully present parents and attentive siblings, family and friends it's a 'filled up with love' celebrated little one. Such was true this year- all her favorite foods and favorite things.
One thing I enjoy while raising a large family is celebrating each child on their birthday. I am often asked why I don't do one big yearly party for all, and while that may work for some families. I find this is a special way to show them their importance and value. Each one being so different in how they want to celebrate year from year. The older they get the more intimate the celebration. Not only is it there day but their BIRTHday is a day that changed me. Each birth of a new baby has left an imprint on my soul that I want to hold dear and celebrate.

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