Saturday, September 5, 2009

Old blog

I was just reading through some old blog posts this one is from Monday September 13th 2004 my first year homeschooling.
I just want to share because it made me smile.

"September 13th 2004

Boys are amazing. My little ones in particular. With having the privilege of raising the next generation of men, come alot of questions. What type of men does God want me to raise? I have normal rowdy balls of fire little boys. These two boys are the future men of God. They are going to be head of a household one day. Everyday I am more aware that I am molding them to become adults. the responsibility of this blows me away. I mean I hardly feel like an adult yest. LOL I enjoy every minute with my boys even on the days I am dead tired, I can hardly wait to see what type of men will come out of my home. One day they will come home with their families and children and remember all the time we spent together and remembering everything that Chris and I have passed down to them. WOW! There is nothing boring in this calling!! Homeschooling is going awesome and it is providing so many opportunities for the three of us to talk. I love it. it is definitely bringing up a lot of issues in my own heart. And seeing sin that I never knew was there. So I have been learning as well. I couldn't be happier with where my life is. Now I just need to make sure my children know how happy they make me. "

I am so happy I have this blog of my very first week homeschooling. I was so young 22 when I wrote this.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love it! I hope you feel the same way today!