Sunday, June 28, 2009

Natalie SIX!!!

Natalie, how is it six years has went by so fast?
These have been some of the most blessed years of my life. I will never forget the morning you were born. Oh how I prayed for you, my heart longed for a daughter of my own. I remember as soon as you were placed on my chest I couldn’t stop thanking Jesus for you.
From the moment I found out I was expecting you I knew God had big plans for your life.
From being born completely deaf to being fully healed by Jesus, what an amazing testimony you had at nine months old already.
I will always remember your child like faith and pray that you never lose that closeness with the Lord. Jesus has blessed you in so many ways and I pray that you will use these gifting for His Glory. I hope for you to never be content with your walk, I pray that you will have an unquenchable thirst for Him. That you will hunger after His Word, and draw close to Him.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

ER Trips

How is it two little sweet hearts like this can keep you hopping all weekend??
We ended up with not one but two ER trips this weekend. The first started with Natalie on Saturday she was playing outside while Chris was mowing the lawn. Zachary spotted a spider on her hand, he told her to stay still as he was going to flick it off. But before he got it off it bit her.
I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard the scream!
She was bit in between her pinkie and ring finger, and it started to go a little purple. After a call to the nurses hot line we decided to go get her checked out as her hand was feeling "funny".
Two hours later they were back home and all was good. Just a few things to keep an eye on but she was fine. Praise the Lord cause I was a little nervous.
Next up we have Miss Rachael Joy, I didn't see it happen but just as church was ending she was holding on to Chris's hand and dropped to the ground to pick something up and her arm slipped out.
Poor baby cried and cried, I don't do well with those kinds of things. I can't handle the kids getting hurt my heart falls into my stomach I get dizzy and can't think. We left right away and again Chris went back to the ER where they put it back in. I guess it is a common injury among children ages one to four where their elbow becomes partly dislocated, and the forearm slips from the normal position in the elbow joint. They call it Nursemaid Syndrome.
When I said good night to these two ladies I told them that was enough owies, that mommy's heart can't handle anymore.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Highest Calling.

"You may speak but a word to a child, and in that child there may be slumbering a noble heart which shall stir the Christian Church in years to come." - Charles Spurgeon
To marry and have children is the ideal life for a woman. What career could ever be as fine? To give the world splendid men and women —isn’t that the noblest thing a woman could possibly do?” ~ Jessie Willcox Smith

"You are in the very center of His will as you embrace His little ones to your heart and raise them to be mighty arrows for God's kingdom. You are at the very heart of the kingdom of God. There is nothing more powerful that you could be doing in the whole of the world. Be encouraged. And may you be filled with the joy of the Lord as you fulfill this mighty task in your home today." ~ Nancy Campbell

A true mother is one of the holiest secrets of home happiness. God sends many beautiful things to this world, many noble gifts; but no blessing is richer than that which He bestows in a mother who has learned love’s lessons well, and has realized something of the meaning of her sacred calling.~ J.R. Miller in Secrets of Happy Home Life

"You see, there is no higher calling, no greater privilege than being a vessel of life and later a teacher of souls which will live for ever. This is a crucial point: These children will live forever, either in Heaven, or in Hell. We not only have the privilege of introducing them to the world, but God has given us the honor of assisting our husbands in the great work of introducing these little ones to the God Who loves them. No empire, no credential, no golden treasure, no corporate success story can ever rival the glory of this calling."
I am loving all this warm weather, it's been so nice to gather early in the morning for our devotions and get our chores done a quickly as we can so we can enjoy our day together.
We've had a few picnic's outside brought out a big stack of stories to read to the ones who wanted to listen.
I even had a treat of meeting with friends in the evening for coffee. Goodness you never realize how much you do need your friends until you have a great visit with them.
We are in the thick of potty training Rachael so that makes for some busy days and lots of laundry, but she is doing great! Candy is a great motivator. I recently had someone say to me how blessed I was to have two babies in diapers. I pondered that for a while I never thought to look at it that way. It is a blessing to have two babies.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Simple Woman

Today's Weather is.... 57F with a few clouds
Outside my window..... My older children getting there things out of the truck.

I am thinking about..... Justification and trying to wrap my head around it.
I am reading..... I have a few books on the go, one being Child Wise by Gary Ezzo and another called Right brained children in a Left brained world.

I am thankful for... my home, even though we don't own our home it feels like *home*.

From the kitchen .. Marinading chicken for dinner

I am wearing...... Black Capri's and a red t-shirt

I am going...... nowhere that I can think of, later I will need to pick up Chris from work.
I am hoping..... To get lots done here today.

I am hearing...... All the children downstairs playing.

Around the house.... Lots of laundry to be done.

One of my favorite things.... Timmy's coffee in the morning

A few plans for the rest of the week.... No big plans this week.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Beach Day

A relaxing day at the beach.
After church we came home and packed up the picnic and left for the lake. Chris and I sat in our lawn chairs side by side watching all the children play. It was really nice to visit each other before the new weeks starts.