Friday, April 2, 2010

Baking with my Beauties

My little baby is almost one in 20 days, makes my heart skip a beat.
How does this year go by so fast? I think every mommy says that, but really it's like you blink and poof they are toddlers.
My little artist spent the quiet morning drawing pictures for all his Grandparents with a little note that read "Jesus is Alive"

The girls and I were inspired by my Mennonite friend down the road and we decided to make Paska.
Paska is a traditional Mennonite Bread made only at Easter.
It was a sweet morning this bread is wonderful to make your home with smell absolutely amazing.
I couldn't help but day dream as I was doing up dishes and the two girls on chairs up with me. How fun these years are but in ten years these two will be my best friends. Raising daughters who enjoy homemaking can be a wonderful adventure and I am looking forward to the years ahead. What a blessing they will be to our home.

"One of the sweetest places a young girl may have in any home is that of big sister. What a field of happiness and usefulness is open to the girl with little brothers and sisters! They are ready to look up to her as a guide and a pattern in everything. If she manages rightly, she can have unlimited influence with them.

"Have you seen her, the ideal big sister? She is ever ready to kiss away the bumps and bruises of little heads and hearts, she know just how to mend broken dolls and balls, she like to pop corn and make candy for little people to eat, she knows such wonderful stories to tell or read, she will pick up and put of of sight those evidences of childish neglect that might bring little people into trouble, she understands and is a companion for every one of them. Yes, many homes have just such older daughters as that.

The girl who is learning day by day to be a good daughter at home and a good sister to the younger children is also learning day by day how to make in time a good wife and a good mother. She is getting ready for the greatest work a woman can do...

There is no work so good for any woman as making a good, true home for somebody. Every truly beautiful character is its best at home. Let us never neglect the home life."

--From the book 'Beautiful Girlhood' by Mabel Hale from the early twentieth century


~Becky said...

This was so beautiful!! I feel the same way about my girls, you said and quoted it perfectly.

And I can NOT believe your tiny man is nearly one!!!!! SERIOUSLY! That went fast for me too!! Let's go. you and me preggo again...round 11 with us combined...haha.
(Beautiful blog as always. Always leaves me smiling and nodding in agreement. You are a wonderful mother. :))

j said...

Your family is so beautiful.Love the pics of your boys in matching clothes. Did you used to have this blog public? Looks familiar. Okay can you share that braid recipe? THat looks so good. I am excited to see more.Blessings
