Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What Kind of Men?

Today in the middle of our school day we paused to read a story. My Grandmother recently gave me her big comfy chair as my children call it. All them try and balance on the arms and squish in beside me so see the pictures.
We read "The Princess and the Kiss" We have read this story dozens of times. If you don't have this one for your children I highly recommend it. It's a story of purity and saving your first kiss for marriage. We got to the part in the story when different men were coming to ask for her hand in marriage. The first one to come was a prince named Prince Peacock she saw that his strength was impressive, but she knew that he was so full of himself that there would be no room for her in his heart.
Today this one part really got me thinking. How often does the world draw us to puff up our boys? Yes our little boys need oodles of loving encouragement but do they need to be the best? or told they are the best?
Pride is a seed I believe that we as parents unknowingly can water without seeing the harvest we are about to get.
We need to be watchful over their hearts that they are not being wrapped up in worldly pleasures and peer influence so much so that their hearts turn cold to the Lord, His Word, and serving others.
If we do not pluck out seeds of pride when they are young it will have the potential to destroy there homes with their wives. Pride will not strengthen a home it will weaken it, it will tear it down. I pray that the Lord will convict my heart any time I put on a proud look or speak prideful words and show me that it will tear down my home little by little, but also my children's futures and their homes, I pray He will show me where I am watering the seeds of pride in my children and I will not be afraid to pluck them out even if the world tells me those things are good.

"Pride is a cunning, deceitful snake that lurks in every believer’s fallen nature. Its origin is the devil, and its ugliness is repulsive when put beside the beautiful humility of the Lord Jesus. Pride has a thousand disguises, but regardless of which one it may use there is always the same putrid smell. Because it is so deceitful, the one who does not choose to be humble by the Lord’s grace is totally unaware of its ugly manifestation in their own life through their words, attitudes, and deeds. The Christian who is proud is not aware of his own spiritual bad breath that is offensive to others. Pride always wants to be somebody before others, and humility is willing to be nothing before others. Seeing the beauty of Jesus’ humility causes one to despise their own pride and diligently pursue the humble way before God and others. Even when sinful flesh tries to be spiritual and humble it reeks with pride’s putrid smell. Only the Spirit of God can produce in us the lovely humility of the Lord Jesus, and when He does it brings the fragrance of heaven upon us. Please do it, Lord, because I utterly despise the stinking pride that lurks in my natural being."

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Anonymous said...
