Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Mother's Helper

Recently a homeschool mom emailed me asking if I would be interested in hiring her daughter to help me around the house. I thought this was a great idea, I have other friends who have girls come over and take over all the laundry or ironing.
This young girl is only 9 though so she really can't handle that kind of task. But I wanted to be able to use her in a way that would be useful to me and let her earn some money.
I have her coming over two times at week and during the 2 hours she is here I have her arranging games and fun activities for my 2 and 4 year old. This gives me a good amount of time to do some extra school with my older three, but also gives those younger guys something to really look forward to.
The first day I was really impressed and the children really adored her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea! Hopefully things continue to work for you :)