Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Wonder of 2 Year Olds

This has got to be one of my most favorite ages.
They are so full of love and energy and everything must be done big. They have big needs and big emotions... They are growing and wanting to be big kids but are still babies. They still need lots of cuddles in the day and night, they need pulled onto our laps for stories read over and over. They need predictable days, warm meals with the family, they need songs sung while we zip up coats and tie up shoes.
Lots of outside time is a must running, pushing, pulling, playing in water, sand, and mud. I love how creative their little minds really are.
If there is one thing I have learned with 2 year old number five it is too keep out of the home excursions very limited, it's during this time that alot of daily training will take place and you really can't do that if your never home.
2 year olds need us to make their environment one that is peaceful. We don't need to feel guilty about saying no to outside commitments. This age is precious and they need to see mommy smile and delight in them because it is during this time they are being shaped and they will become what they see on your face. They need softness in our speech and excitement when they bring you into their little world. Don't listen to people tell you these are the terrible two's because this time is tiny and precious so soak up every minute you have with them.

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