Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Building building building....

Gears Gears Gears! The Children have been busy building in the late afternoons. This great new toy allows them to build different structures and see how the gears  all work together.  I love when I buy a new educational toy that my bigger ones get right in there to help the little ones. I have always found when there is a new baby in the house and your sitting on the couch a lot of the time nursing you really get to observe and listen to your kids interact the conversations they have are really entertaining.

 We recently set up three school computers for the older ones to work on their studies. I wish I had done this years ago rather than sharing one lap top. Our school days are less frustrating and moving way faster.
I saw this fantastic idea I believe on Pintrest but I can't remember, I took a sharpie and wrote all the letters of the alphabet  on them. Then I gave Rachael a list of spelling words and she put the blocks together to spell the words. Even my thirteen year old got down on the floor with his spelling and worked right along with her. This has also become a great tool for my preschoolers learning letters and the sounds.

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