Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Peace in the Storm

 The children started riding lessons again today. They just love it! And I love that they are really getting to learn. We have a surprise coming tomorrow that the kids will be so excited about.
While Chris took them to riding lessons, Henry's nurse and I took him to the hospital.
Henry's puking (more than his normal) has carried over into day three.  Henry has been so sweaty nothing would stick to his face. He had two NG's put in today because they kept falling out thankfully the hospital had this fantastic glue that works for wet skin. His NG stickers are holding much better. The long and short of it is if Henry is still vomiting in 48hrs we may change his NG tube to a NJ tube which means the tube will bypass his stomach.
•Because the tube runs to the intestines, it needs to be placed by Interventional Radiology using x-rays to insure correct placement. Many hospitals perform this procedure under sedation, some larger children's hospitals do not. •Henry would be continuously fed. There is no bolus feeding to the intestines.
•It is a bigger deal if he pulls out the tube because he will need to get it placed by Interventional Radiology.

Lots of cons but if it helps his little tummy it may be worth it.