Monday, November 30, 2009

A Chilly Night

It's late, and there is a chill in the house. I went into all the children's bedrooms to make sure they all had blankets on Rachael was the only one who didn't. Not surprising...

We have been putting her footless pj's on her backwards with the snaps down that back so she would keep them on. But tonight she figured it out and she was sound asleep all blankets on the floor along with her sleeper.

So I got her up took her potty re-dressed her and tucked her back in. A few mins later I heard Presley calling me for a drink of water, so when I walked past Rachael's room again she was undressed again.. ahh OK then just stay under your blankets. What ends up happening is she wakes up cold and crawls into bed with me and she is a little Popsicle!

After a long week last week with a sick little baby things have returned back to normal.

Jude ended up having baby measles and the bulging fontanelle's was from the fever for so many days causing pressure on his brain. I have never been so scared.
But praise God he is better spots are almost gone as well.

So back to normal meant about 10 loads of laundry today and a ton of school work.
It felt like a really productive day.
In my spare time I have been making my two little ladies Christmas Tutu's. Natalie's is a little too long so I need to fix that.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

More of our Greece Crafts

So this is our vase, it's so close to being done. It now just needs painted
but with everything that has went on this week it has sat on the table waiting. It will look awesome when it's done. Austin and Natalie worked really hard on this.

And this is our gold olive leaf Olympic wreath. This one was really hard and Zach needed dad's help with attaching the wire to the leaves. Lots of cutting and gluing and of course the gold spray paint.

Jude's sick

So Jude's been sick. We are on day five of a fever that we have been nailing with Tylenol every four hours and Motrin every six. I took him to the ER when I noticed his fontanelle was bulging quite a bit. Long story short we have been send home to wait another 24 hrs for more changes.
Nothing has changed but I went back because I am worried he has slept 22 hours a day and is just really sick.
I am so thankful that Jude nurses not only for hunger but alot for comfort so I have been able to keep him very well hydrated.
There is talk of a CT scan to find out what is causing the bulging.
To say the least I am very worried.
Please pray that we get answers soon, it's been a very frustrating week.
Also Im pretty much a walking zombie at this point.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to be a mother. I was an only child until I was seven years old. I remember when my mom had my brother I was in love. I knew I would have lots of babies. When I was a young teen I loved to babysit and even thought it was crazy people paid me to do this. I was so honored every time someone called me to watch their children.

When Chris and I started to have babies it was my goal to be the best mom. To raise Godly children who love the Lord. I was going to make sure I was striving to be a godly wife, and homemaker. I would make lists Id cloth diaper, I have spent hours upon hours doing research on vaccinating, I homeschool, strictly limit TV, I started holding my babies in a sling, then to an ergo, we co-slept, child led weaning, natural child birth, really this list could go on and on. My children were my priority.
I love mothering.

But do you know what? I love Jesus more than all this.

He alone is the one that my heart burns for.

He is the one that makes me want to love my children.

None of this even matter's compared to what Christ did for me.

All that matters is that my house serves the Lord.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Studying Ancient Greece

We have been using Story of The World for two years now. Last year we studied Ancient Egypt. We had so much fun doing all these crafts.
We are now on to Ancient Greece.

Today we made Medusa' Shield.

The boys worked really hard it took along time. First we cut out the shield out of large card stock. Then it was spray painted bronze. After lots of Coloring and cutting....

It was done! They are so happy with how it turned out.
We have two other things in the making, as you can see int he above picture Natalie putting paper mache all over a balloon. More picture to come of the rest of what we are doing. We are having so much fun making all this.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

You tell on yourself

You tell on yourself by the friends you seek,
By the very manner in which you speak,
By the way you employ your leisure time,
By the use you make of dollar and dime.

You tell what you are by the things you wear,
By the spirit in which you burdens bear,
By the kind of things at which you laugh,
By the records you play on the phonograph.

You tell what you are by the way you walk,
By the things of which you delight to talk,
By the manner in which you bear defeat,
By so simple a thing as how you eat.

By the books you choose from the well-filled shelf:
In these ways and more, you tell on yourself.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Snuggled in,

What wonderful day today has been, the two babies woke up happy and healthy which was such a huge blessing. We were able to go on with our normal routines.
I was very please with the amount of schooling we did today, I started to write it all down because I think we naturally are covering all areas.
Our Bible time was especially good. We were discussing about how in Israel their are pillars that represent the 12 tribes and they are there to remind people of what God did. And how we are to be like a pillar of the 12 tribes and people should look at us and be reminded of what God has done. Also I explained to them how these pillars are at the city gates the busiest place they were not hidden away. And we too should not isolate and hide but we should be at the city gate sharing our lives with others, so that the world may see the Lord working in our lives.
We talked a little bit more about what happened in the gates of a city and how often the King would come their to talk and deal with his people.

Later in the day Zachary and I made fresh buns for dinner and the other children played outside. It was a busy, full day. The house is still and quiet, now. All the children are snugged in bed, sound asleep. I think Im going to go curl up and read for a bit before I fall asleep.

Monday, November 16, 2009

All day today I wrote about 5 blog posts they were good, lots to think on, chew on. Some challenging... the problem is I wrote them all in my head. While I was washing my kitchen floor, bathing the toddler ( trying to wash away the grumpies ;)) so even though they were really good. I can't remember for the life of me what they were.

Im reading a book that has being challenging me to not shy away from hard things. I keep thinking about this quote I must of read some where but "every morning we wake we are waking up to die". Those few word have had me in deep thought. To give it all up for the Lord every ounce of our flesh.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Long day....

Someone had just asked me how everyone was doing, I told them good. Fevers were down and really it was just fussy babies that wanted to snuggle.
No sooner than did I hit enter and go to check on Rachael she was burning up again.
praying for health.....

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Continualy casting cares

These past two days have been tired blur, with the two babies so sick. We were back in the ER during the wee hours of the morning with both of them. A ped was called in to check them over and he was unsure if it was H1N1 or croup. The high fevers are more consistent with the swine flu. Both babies were given a second dose of the oral steroid to avoid swelling in the airway, and then we were sent home. Told to come back if we can't get on top of the fevers or if the breathing gets out of control again.
The longer I walk with the Lord it becomes more natural to cast everything on to Jesus.
It happens with out thought... like breathing. There is such an amazing peace of just trusting and doing the next thing.. There is comfort in knowing he wants to carry these burdens for me. I have to entrust my heart to him knowing he cares for my children more than I do or could ever hope to. I sat in the hospital chair this morning resting my head on Rachaels silently crying out for healing and comfort for her and Jude. It is so hard seeing your children unwell.
After we got home this afternoon we tucked the babies into bed, and I was really feeling like I hadn't connected with my older four in two days. I just hate that, I had not looked any of them in the eyes and said "how are you?" I pulled out a bunch of craft supplies made hot chocolate then Chris and I sat down with them and we made snowmen.
It was alot of fun, we also made glitter snowflakes.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sick Babies

What a day, we ended up the ER with Rachael all afternoon. She needed some breathing treatments due to croup. Then this evening little Jude started with a pretty high fever. I have been sitting here all evening letting him doze and nurse.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Little girls and their kitty's

Rachael loves Natalies' cat Sofia, I was busy washing the floors this morning and I could hear little Rachael chatting away on her bed. I peeked in to find her "burping" the cat. Sofia is ever so patient with so many loving hands always ready to snuggle.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Look who can sit!

I have a goal from now until the New Year, and that is to blog everyday.

We have been talking about the power of the spoken word, and have been challenged to speak words of blessing over our children daily. This and been so encouraging to us to see how this changes the whole atmosphere of our home.

May He create in you the desire to attend
to His words; a willing and obedient heart
that you may consent and submit to His
ways. May your eyes look straight ahead
with purpose for the future. May your tongue
be as the pen of a ready writer, writing
mercy and kindness upon the tablets of your
heart. May you speak the truth in love.
May your hands do the works of the Father,
may your feet walk the paths which He
has foreordained for you.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Some thoughts from the heart...

I often do an 11:00pm self evaluation, laying in my bed nursing my sweet baby in the pitch black, all I hear is the leaky bathroom facet. This is where I go over the days events and think and pray. I'm learning something about myself, often I would have described myself as one who is not easily offend or hurt, but the fact of the matter is I am.
Once I have let you *in* and showed you my heart & soul the core of who I am, I lose that thick skin.

I do not like people to assume they know who I am. Or to assume they know why I do what I do. Even if it is based on something I have said, I am much more deep that a brief coffee date and I never let anyone in that deep because I am fearful of being hurt.
So often I listen and never share and when I do share your getting a very watered down version.

I have been challenged lately as a woman who loves the Lord, and really meditating on the verse "She watches over the affairs of her household.."proverbs 31:27
More and more I am needing to cling close under the wing of the Lord and only rely on Him. I'm seeing more and more worldly vices that are continuing to tempt, so we must be alert and discerning as we purposefully choose to live differently. And the fact is differently is painful. I don't want to be a Sunday Christian. I have such a hunger that only the Lord can satisfy. I have a burden for my family to have a Godly heritage. To raise children who love the Lord with everything they got. To pour myself into them and teach them the ways of God. I am willing to give it all up to see my children walk in truth. I have tears streaming down my face as I write this because the burden I have for my family is so huge all I can do is cry out to the Lord. Just think about it..

If you don't sing to your children...who will?

If you don't read to your children..who will?

If you don't teach the Word of God to your children...who will?

If you don't hug your child when they fall...who will?

If you don't teach your daughter the gentler graces of womanhood...who will?

If you don't teach your son's about courageous manhood...who will?

If you don't share the gospel with your children to get saved...who will?

I will tell you who...

The world will sing your children to sleep with lullabyes of narcissism, sensuality and violence.

The world will read to your children and teach them anti-God philosophies and give them a humanistic education.

The world will teach your children that the Word of God does not matter today, is false and is irrelevant and ultimately to be rejected but all other faiths fully embraced.

The world will hug your child when they fall and teach them that homosexuality is okay.

The world will teach your daughters by showing them to dress and act like prostitutes, drink and do drugs, rebel and have unprotected sex.

The world will teach your sons to have dirty mouths, drink and do drugs, rebel and have unprotected sex.

The world will share it's gospel with you---that a man can only be saved if he seeks his own rights and comforts, if he chases after materialism, big toys, vanity, power and success and that you must absolutely sacrifice yourselves and your families to acquire such attainment. Here God does not rule, only shameful man. Deadly sin is not cautiously avoided, instead vehemently encouraged, and therefore broken homes, uncontrolled violence and widespread death reigns. (WWBHH)

That is their gospel.

I want God to use me, I want huge things to come out of 4 walls.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Going private

Im going to be making this private in 48 hours. If you would like to still read this blog please email me at